The Children Formation Ministry assists FFCC children in finding God in their lives and to grow in their awareness of God’s great love for them through Jesus Christ, with the help of volunteers from the community. The Children Formation Ministry, guided by the Holy Spirit, helps in preparing Christ-like leaders and instruments of hope, to support FFCC’s vision and mission to be a community of disciples on mission.
FFCC Children Formation Ministry believes that:
Children are a real gift from the Lord
Jesus calls even the little children to have this special relationship with him
Children can grow in their love and trust for God through a meaningful relationship
with parents and other kids in community -
In training up the children in the ways of the Lord they will be responsible at home
and in school -
Children need a healthy concept of themselves, which may be enhanced
by their parents as primary role models and also by secondary role models
from the FFCC community -
Our children’s God-given gifts and talent s need to be recognized and nurtured in
a healthy Christian environment that is fun and life-giving.
There are 4 main areas of focus:
1. Spirituality
Scripture brought to life- learning the faith thru storytelling, play-acting
Practicing virtuesLearning about the saints and their holy lives
Application of learning- sharing of how learning for the month was applied at home and at school.
2. Fellowship
Monthly meeting during assembly
Sharing of experiences
Annual offsite fellowship activities (i.e. PJ party)
Annual field trip​
3. Service
Serving one another during meetings
Older kids responsible for assisting teacher volunteers and getting snacks
for the younger ones
​4. Community Building
Explaining community life and its importance
Joining in the community’s fellowship activities (i.e. picnic, Christmas party)